Saturday, March 29, 2014

Transcending the Wuld

March 29, 2014

"See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God;" 1 John 3:1

"For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
" Galatians 3:26

As my husband and I prayed with the kids last night our five year old began to cry. Our prayers were for friends of ours who are in the process of bringing home their daughter from another country. Once we said amen I asked our daughter, "Why the tears?" In her five year old voice she replied, "I think it is nice that [our friends] love [their daughter] so much they traveled half way around the wuld (world) to get hur (her)."

Did anyone else hear the door of opportunity fling open?

I took a step back and addressed all three of our children (the fourth had already fallen asleep) . . .

Yes! Our friends love their daughter so much they traveled half way around the wuld to bring her home. Home to a place where she will experience unconditional love from parents who desire the absolute best for her.

God loves US so much that Jesus left Heaven--a completely different wuld--to bring US home. Jesus didn't even pack a bag for His trip. He simply came to our wuld as a baby; a baby who grew into a Man; a Man who gave His sinless life as a sacrifice for our sin-full lives. Jesus loves us SO much He transcended the wuld to bring us--God's beloved sons and daughters--home. Home to a place where one day He will wipe every tear
from [our] eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or
pain. All these things [will be] gone forever.
Revelation 21:4

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