Monday, March 5, 2012

My Morning Routine

March 5, 2012

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3

Each day my alarm sounds at 4:45AM. Oh, I usually smack (yes, smack) the snooze button once or twice but I strive to arise by 5AM.
I once preferred the
late-night hours for accomplishing tasks, but with three kids my energy
level seems to dissipate after 7PM. If I want quiet time with the Lord
the morning hours prove to be my best option.

enjoy--indeed, look forward to--spending time with the Lord each day. But last week I was rudely awakened by the fact that God no longer held His rightful place in my morning routine. Rather than arising with anxious expectation
to hear from the Lord I found myself more highly motivated by the warm, creamy, hazelnut-flavored cup of coffee waiting for me in my coffee machine, which is preset to brew at 5AM. I nudged myself out of bed more intrigued by the thought of who might have e-mailed me during the night than the thought of what God might have in store for me for the day. Before I knew it I sat with coffee and computer in hand whispering to God, I'll be with You in just a moment . . .


Why isn't He enough?

In my grief I prayed and asked God to reveal that in my heart which offended Him. I realized that the reason I find myself more anxious to check e-mail than to meet with God is because e-mail (and Facebook and Twitter for that matter) is more tangible. With modern technology I can see, read, sometimes even hear that someone needs me or wants to communicate with me. It isn't always so obvious with God.

But God does want to communicate with me. He wants to renew me each morning. He wants to show me how He plans to use me today as He reconciles a lost and broken and hurting world to Himself. The God of the universe has written a most important message for me, and He waits all night for me to awake so He can inscribe His truth upon my heart.

Oh Father, that I may arise each morning anxious not for my cup of coffee, not for messages in my Inbox, but anxious to hear You speak.

1 comment:

Rick said...

This writing really touched me as I have struggled with the exact same thing - a desire to check email or FB before the Lord. Thank you for sharing your heart.